Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It's a beautiful night in Melbourne...

The frost is starting up in the outer suburbs. The cars are beginning to die down. The bloggers at Tim Blair's site are beginning to realise that their parents are their cousins...

The federal government is playing a few games about AWB, but at this point, nobody really cares about AWB anymore.

The state government does its usual backside-covering on every issue on which it has performed shitfully, which is most. Still, better than Doyle...

And, incredibly, we still have the likes of Bolt, Blair, etc., in our midst. What does RWDB stand for exactly? Retarded wanker dropkick bogan? It would explain the 'opinions'. There are scientific studies that demonstrate that 'conservatives' have less sex. Not that our bogans are true conservatives, or consider anything science that doesn't prove that the global temperature is absolutely stable, and that Winston Churchill was always stone cold sober.

David Tan is still trolling various sites. Our lawyer is apparently still unbetrothed. An Iain Hall is still about as inventive as a rat in a spinning wheel.

Perhaps the internet is not all it's cracked up to be...

Friday, April 07, 2006

Interesting times

We live in interesting times. If you get bashed in Cronulla for having olive skin, it's your fault. If you would like to preserve Australia's environment, then you are a Nazi. If you would like to be an anonymous blogger, then you need to be outed.

There are millions of people who disagree with these propositions, and these are becoming the silent majority. Silent because they are not represented in the age, the hun, or the 'australian'.

The left-right distinction, promoted by those such as Andrew Bolt, is useless. I know many 'conservative' Catholics who, whilst they are not exactly pro-abortion, still find the Howard government's stance on asylum seekers, 'workplace reform', etc. contemptible.

Read Bolt's articles closely - you will find a dismissal for Catholics and Anglicans who take an anti-Government line. But Hillsong-types, on the contrary...